The Minik Taşlı Kalpli Kolye is a charming and elegant necklace that captures the essence of love and romance. The heart-shaped pendant is made of high-quality materials, adorned with small, sparkling stones that add a touch of glamour to any outfit. The necklace is perfect for those who want to express their love and affection for someone special, or simply want to add a touch of sophistication to their wardrobe. It comes with a delicate chain that can be adjusted to your desired length, making it a great gift for anyone. The Minik Taşlı Kalpli Kolye is a timeless piece that you'll treasure for years to come.
Minik Taşlı Kalpli Kolye
Ürün gümüş kaplamalıdır.
Su ile temas edilir fakat kimyasal teması az olmalıdır.
Kolye ucu zirkon taşlıdır.
Ürün 48-50 cmdir.
Klips kapamalıdır.